sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

Atenção alunos da 3ª série EM. Estudem para a prova!

Modifying Subjects

Cause of the feeling or emotion – The present participle serves as an adjective formed from an active verb.
an amusing ride - The ride causes the amusement.
Interesting people will speak during the 2-day class.(People cause others to feel interest.)
Boring speakers put their attendees to sleep. (The speaker causes others to be bored.)
Amusing short films are shown at the animated film festival.(The films cause the amusement.)
Overwhelming amounts of work are given to University students.(The amount of work causes the overwhelming.)

Receiver of the feeling or emotion – The past participle serves as an adjective formed from the passive form of the verb.

an amused child

The child receives the feeling of amusement.
Interested people can sign up for the 2-day class. (The people feel interest in the subject.)
Bored speakers should find something exciting to say. (The speaker feels boredom while speaking!)
Amused viewers enjoy the short films.(The viewers feel the amusement.)
Overwhelmed students end up dropping a course or two .(The students feel overwhelmed.)

Adjectives formed by numeral
English allows adjectives to be made up of the combination of different parts of speech; among these we can find adjectives with this form:
a four-door car
a long-lasting love
a four-legged animal.

Adjectives formed by prefix
Os Adjetivos podem ser formados pela adição de um prefixo a uma palavra. Normalmente prefixos adicionados dão um sentido negativo ao novo adjetivo. Adjetivos com prefixos normalmente são formados por outros adjetivos. Vejamos alguns exemplos:
Prefixo Adjetivo Prefixo Adjetivo: a- atypical, asexual/ non- non-aligned, non-existent / anti- antiseptic, antisocial / over- overcast, overcrowded / dis- dishonest, disabled / pre- preconceived, predominant / hyper- hypercritical, hypersensitive / pro pro-death, proactive / il- ilegible, illicit / sub- subliminal, subconscious / im- impassable, impartial / super- super-intelligent, superfine / in- inopportune, inoffensive / un- unknown, unkind / ir- irrevocable, irreverent / under- undermentioned, underhand

Adjectives formed by suffix
Os adjetivos podem ser formados adicionando-se um sufixo a um substantivo (noun) ou a um verbo (verb). Por exemplo:
Substantivo + sufixo Adjetivo Verbo + sufixo Adjetivo danger + ous dangerous restrict + ive restrictive taste + less tasteless enjoy + able enjoyable mistery + ous misterious / please + ant pleasant / care + ful careful / cooperate + ive cooperative / logic + al logical / break + able breakable / prosper + ous prosperous child + ish childish/ choose + y choosy / logic + al logical / forget + ful forgetful.
Ou também temos adjetivos formando outros adjetivos:
comic - comical
young - youngish
red - redish
help - helpful
Care - careless

Compound adjectives
They are formed by two or more words,linked or not by a hifen.
Adjective + Past Participle
kind-hearted - Her husband was a kind-hearted man.
absent-minded - It took the absent-minded man twenty minutes to find his glasses on top of his head.
newfangled - I don´t like all these newfangled gadgets. (ultramoderna)
Adverb + Past Participle
warmly dressed - Please make sure your child comes to school warmly dressed .
deeply-disappointed - He was deeply disappointed that it is no longer a possibility.
well-balanced - A well-balanced diet includes food from the five main food groups.

Podemos combinar também adjetivos (adjectives), substantivos (nouns) e advérbios (adverbs) com particípio presente (present participle). Vamos ver alguns exemplos:
Noun + Present Participle
They will often find art, creativity and drama to be unnecessary, expensive and time-consuming.
Adjective + Present Participle
Some people actually prefer loose-fitting clothes to tight ones.
Adverb + Present Participle Methane release could cause abrupt, far-reaching climate change. ( de longo alcance)

Outras combinações de adjetivos compostos incluem:
substantivo (noun) + adjetivo (adjective): milk-white, child-proof, ice-cold. ( ice as cold)
substantivo (noun) + particípio-passado (past participle): desk-bound, wonder-struck, heart-broken.
adjetivo (adjective) + substantivo (noun): loose-tongue, strong-arm, cold cream.
números (number) + substantivos (noun): four-year-old, eleven-page, two-hour, six-minutes.
eleven-page letter